
The GREAT Programming Interface allows external clients to submit BED data automatically for analysis by GREAT and display in the GREAT user interface. For example, it is used by the UCSC Table Browser to send data to GREAT. Anyone is welcome to use the interface, and we particularly encourage genome browser portals and ChIP-seq peak calling tools to integrate with GREAT through the GREAT Programming Interface.


To submit BED data for analysis by GREAT, a client sends an HTTP GET request to http://bejerano.stanford.edu/great/public/cgi-bin/greatStart.php that includes:

Submitting an HTTP GET request to GREAT is as simple as including the necessary parameters in a URL link (see examples).

As written inĀ GREAT bulk access limits, please limit your GREAT jobs to 1 job per 60 seconds.



When GREAT receives a request, it in turn retrieves the BED data at the requestURL via HTTP GET. The requestURL must point to either a BED file or a script that generates BED data (see examples).

Submitted BED data

The data submitted to GREAT must be valid BED format as used with the UCSC Genome Browser. Lines that start with "#" are considered comments and are ignored. Compressed data is supported.

Batch mode

Batch mode returns a tab-separated text file with GREAT statistical test results for your input data set.


Example 1: Simple BED file - web mode

In the first example, the client has a BED file available on its server (at http://www.clientA.com/data/example1.bed) that it wishes for GREAT to process.


# SRF example data
chr5    60663738        60663788        SRF.1
chr5    137828954       137829004       SRF.2
chr5    137828665       137828715       SRF.3
chr7    5536799         5536849         SRF.4

To submit this data to GREAT, the client webpage includes a link that sends an HTTP GET request to GREAT. When the link is clicked, the request is sent to GREAT:

  <a href="http://bejerano.stanford.edu/great/public/cgi-bin/greatStart.php?requestSpecies=hg18&requestName=Example+Data&requestSender=Client+A&requestURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.clientA.com%2Fdata%2Fexample1.bed">
  Send to GREAT

Example 2: Script that generates BED data - web mode

In the second example, the client has a script (at http://www.clientB.com/data/example2.php) that generates BED data for GREAT to process.


if ($_GET["tf"] == "Srf") {
     echo "chr5    60663738        60663788        SRF.1\n";
     echo "chr5    137828954       137829004       SRF.2\n";
     echo "chr5    137828665       137828715       SRF.3\n";
     echo "chr7    5536799         5536849         SRF.4\n";
else if ($_GET["tf"] == "Nrsf") {
     echo "chr1    11017025        11017401        NRSF.1\n";
     echo "chr6    12605475        12606176        NRSF.2\n";
     echo "chr8    12680375        12681376        NRSF.3\n";
     echo "chr4    13416275        13416776        NRSF.4\n";

Again, to submit this data to GREAT, the client webpage includes a link that sends an HTTP GET request to GREAT. The requestURL in turn includes information for GREAT to submit an HTTP GET request back to the client to obtain the BED data:

  <a href="http://bejerano.stanford.edu/great/public/cgi-bin/greatStart.php?requestSpecies=hg18&requestURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.clientB.com%2Fdata%2Fexample2.php%3Ftf%3DNrsf">
  Send NRSF data to GREAT

Example 3: Simple BED file - batch mode

In the first example, the client has a BED file available on its server (at http://www.clientA.com/data/example1.bed) that it wishes for GREAT to process. The client wants to do further automated processing, and thus wishes to have the GREAT results in a machine-readable tab-separated format.


# SRF example data
chr5    60663738        60663788        SRF.1
chr5    137828954       137829004       SRF.2
chr5    137828665       137828715       SRF.3
chr7    5536799         5536849         SRF.4

To submit this data to GREAT, the client issues a "wget" request and specifies "outputType=batch":

wget -O results.tsv "http://bejerano.stanford.edu/great/public/cgi-bin/greatStart.php?outputType=batch&requestSpecies=hg18&requestName=Example+Data&requestSender=Client+A&requestURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.clientA.com%2Fdata%2Fexample1.bed"

Example 4: Running many jobs in parallel - batch mode

The GREAT server currently accepts a maximum of 5 API requests for all API users at any given time. More than 5 requests will be denied. To make the maximum of 5 API calls
you will need to split your jobs and process them separately. A possibly way of processing the data is seen in our greatBatchQuery.py script. Feel free to adapt it to your needs.

How does greatBatchQuery.py work?