The best source for information and discussions about GREAT are our GREAT forums. The forums serve as an upgrade over the old great-announce and great-users mailing lists. To ask questions, leave suggestions or feedback on GREAT, post a message to the appropriate forum (see there). We encourage users to subscribe to forums, especially the low volume announcement forum, to receive email notifications when important updates to GREAT occur.

You can view and post to our forums without creating an account, but registering a forum user provides the following advantages:

  1. You will be auto-subscribed to our low volume announcement forum.
  2. You will be able to get notified via e-mail when others post to threads or forums you follow.
  3. After 5 user moderated posts are approved, the user is allowed to interact freely.

Register for the GREAT announcement forum

We encourage use of the forum for all questions, comments, and other concerns. If you must ask us a private question, contact the GREAT team via email at . We reserve the right to post all or parts of it on our forums.