Placenta Disorders

Placenta Disorders


The Placenta Disoders ontology has data on genes associated with pre-eclampsia and preterm birth. Terms for this ontology are as follows :

1. Genes associated with preterm birth from dbPTB. Genes for this term are from dbPTB v1. For details, click here.
2. Genes with SNPs studied in association with pre-eclampsia. Genes for this term are from PESNPdb v1.1. For details, click here.
3. Genes with SNPs significantly associated with pre-eclampsia. Genes from this term are from PESNPdb v1.1, where a gene was found significant (p<=.05) in at least one study. For details, click here.


Statistics can now be found in the footers of each table in the GREAT web output.


dbPTB data was provided by James Padbury and Alper Uzun (Brown University) in March, 2012.

PESNPdb v1.1 data was downloaded and built in August 2012. 


1. Uzun, A., A. Laliberte, J. Parker, C. Andrew, E. Winterrowd, S. Sharma, et al., dbPTB: a database for preterm birth. Database (Oxford) 2012; 2012: p. bar069.
2. Tuteja, G., Cheng, E., Papadakis, H., Bejerano, G., PESNPdb : A comprehensive database of SNPs studied in association with pre-eclampsia. Placenta. In review.